Black Swan Inn Ghost Tour

Dear Friends and Readers

Many of you know that I launched a new website earlier this month–if you missed out on the news, I hope you’ll stop by and have a look around. I just put up a new post about my trip to San Antonio and my tour of the haunted Black Swan Inn (pictures & Video).

Now that I’m settled into my new home on the web, I’ll be posting my blogs right from my website instead of using wordpress.  Just click on BLOG in the links bar at and you’ll see my latest posts without having to leave my website. If you signed up with wordpress to follow my blog, you’ll have the same option to do so on the new page.

Stories new

Come share your ghost stories with me at at!

zzMarin Thomas Sig

Blog Makeover

What do you think of my new blog makeover?


For the past few months my author assistant Denise Hall has been working overtime helping Marin Thomas with a new make-over. It’s been a long time since Marin has been to the beauty shop and I hope you love the changes as much as we do.

This blog is the first of several changes and in the next couple of weeks my new website will go live and include both my Harlequin Romances and women’s fiction in one place. In the coming weeks you’ll also see new FB banners, Twitter banners, a new newsletter logo and author photo.

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Although writing in two different genres is exciting, I’m discovering it’s also very time-consuming. In order to give my books the attention they deserve I have to cut back on the frequency of my blogging and only send out my newsletter when I have book news or something exciting to share. BUT… because I love offering signed copies of my backlist titles to my loyal readers and followers, I will continue drawing names from my newsletter subscriber list to receive a book from me. When you see my newsletter in your mailbox be sure you OPEN it to find out if you’re one of the winners.

Until next time….

zzMarin Thomas Sig



The TBR Pile

People who love to read usually have a TBR (To Be Read) pile–I keep mine in my office, which probably isn’t smart, because when I stall out on my own writing I’m tempted to end my work day early and dive into my reading.

As many of you know, I recently branched out into writing women’s fiction along with my Harlequin romances. I’ve been a lifelong reader of romances–all genres, but until I sold The Promise Of Forgiveness (March 2016) to Penguin Books I had only read a few women’s fiction books over the years. Now that I’m writing in the genre I’ve been like a kid in a candy shop discovering all kinds of new authors.

I wanted to share two books with you that I’ve recently read that I think you might enjoy. Both of these authors are excellent writers. And the covers are beautiful!

Dear Carolina by Kristy Woodson Harvey~Southern Women’s Fiction. This is a heartfelt story with a baby in the middle of it.


Secrets of a Charmed Life by Susan Meisnnner~current day with a flashback to 1940’s England and the evacuation of London’s children to foster homes in the rural countryside. If you like a little history in your books then you’ll really enjoy this one.


Do you read women’s fiction books? I’d love to know why or why not!

zzMarin Thomas Sig

